That’s “Twenty Ten”. Not “Two Thousand and Ten”. Not “Two Thousand Ten”. It’s shorter. It’s easier to say.
I wonder if 2010 will be the year we make contact? Maybe aliens from other worlds can settle this whole religion thing once and for all. Imagine all the hate and war that would no longer be justified because of the excuse “deity] said”. That would allow people to be shown as the true bigots they are naturally. Not that would stop the hate or war. I’m such an optimist.
It’s just another day. Like the one before. And the one before. About the only difference is that I have to quit writing 2009 and start forcing myself to write 2010. Again, I’m such an optimist.
I really don’t have any rituals for this time of year. One would think that after 36 years on the planet, I would at least do something special on some occasion. I guess that’s what happens when one tends to be contrary. I think the Husbear is itching to do something, but he hasn’t presented me with any plans up to this point.
Since Homer does a year-end portrait, I thought I would do that as well. Seems like a good thing to refer back to over time.
Me, in my hoity-toity t-shirt that needs to be retired.
I personally think Homer looks much more debonair.
Oh, and a Happy New Year to you.
Until next time...