This post is more a note to myself, just in case I have to repeat this process again.
And it might be interesting to anyone who’s geeky enough to understand it. 😉
Sometime ago, I had purchased a Pogoplug. It’s basically a network device that lets you plug in USB drives and access them from any computer.
It’s a great idea, but the Pogoplug implementation of it is extremely poor. Extremely.
All access to any drives plugged into it goes through their servers, even when I just wanted to access files locally on my LAN.
Which makes it so fraking SLOW!
Which is not what I wanted. But that’s what I get for buying it and not a real NAS in the first place.
So I started looking for OS replacement alternatives for the Pogoplug. And I found one!
I followed the instructions here and installed a flavor of linux on the Pogoplug.
And then I installed samba.
The only problem I noticed with it was that the LED on the front of it continually blinked. Which I fixed by editing /etc/rc.local. Because the model I have is slightly different that what the main install distro has (currently), I had to use use this path instead: /usr/local/cloudengines/bin/.
A little more info.
And since I’m a n00b at *nix, and I don’t really know samba at all, I had to reference help here and here.
And now everything is up and running fine. And FAST! And I can now see my porn from any computing device in the house. 😉
Until next time...