Tag Archives: Electronic Toys… er… Tools

Netflix streaming on my PS3!

All I can say is “w00t!”

Because several people have asked: I use a product called “PS3 Media Server” (PMS for short… go figure). You can get it at http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/ and more info is available at http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com/.

It’s written in Java, so it works with Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.

I just tell PMS what folder I want to stream, then that folder shows up on the PS3 to play from. So all the porn you’ve collected on your computer over time you can watch from the leisure of your couch on a ginormous TV if you have one.

Until next time...

A Poisoned Apple

The Husbear has been craving an iPhone for a long time. So I finally broke down, broke his contract with Sprint, and surprised him with an iPhone a few weeks ago. He’s been raving about it ever since. “It’s so simple to use,” he says. It must be, if he can use it without asking me to many questions on how to do this or that with it.

I have to admit: it was easy to set up. Ordered it online from Apple. FedEx delivered it to my doorstep. I opened the box, plugged it in to my computer, and walked through activation with iTunes. Simple.

After playing with his phone for a few days, I went and did the unthinkable. To me. After years of having several Windows Mobile devices (first my Motorola Q with Alltel, then my Motorola Q9c with Sprint) I purchased an iPhone for myself.

Those around me have known my vehement opposition to and ridicule of all things Apple. Not because I’m a “PC” (which I am!). I grew up building computers. That’s what made computers so interesting to me. The ability to build, modify, and play with all sorts of components of my choosing. And I could load almost any OS (Microsoft’s or others) on any hardware I put together. For me the opposition to all things Apple stemmed from their closed, proprietary technology.

So the last few days I’ve been trying to put into words the reason I switched.

I think the biggest reason for me as to why I went with the iPhone: a centralized location to find applications (at the App Store), and the fact that so many companies seem to be offering only iPhone-based applications and services.

I’ve easily found application replacements for everything I did with my WinMo device without having to search all over the Internet for them.

Had Microsoft done the smart thing years ago by creating a centralized application store, I think WinMo would have done extremely well outside the business world. Now they’re attempting to do just that. To late, in my opinion.

I still feel dirty for having taken a bite of the Apple. I’ve been assured by some of you out there who follow me on Twitter that the feeling will pass. I’m sure it will. But it’s still an odd feeling to have the “enemy” sleeping in my house.

Until next time...

End of an era

… and I’m not talking about all the political changes as of late.

I’m talking about something that has been there beside me in bed for the last 16 years.

Tonight, my (mostly) faithful alarm clock that I’ve had since I was a Sophomore in college decided to give up the ghost.


Well, I guess technically I “put it down”.

For the last week or so, it has failed to function properly. When the alarm is supposed to go off to rouse me out of my slumber, it resets itself to a flashing 12:00 and doesn’t make a sound.

That’s a bad thing when you don’t naturally wake up at 5:47 five days a week.

dead alarm clock

It is now time to find something new that will jolt me out of my slumber.


Oh, and no, I didn’t leave it in the trash. That was for dramatic effect. I added it to the pile of stuff going to the electronics recycling center.

(BONUS ROUND: My remaining 10 gay points go to the person who correctly guesses the logo on the T-shirt I am wearing. And no—neither I or the Husbear own one… the shirt was a give-away at Decadence.)

Until next time...

It’s official…

I am now a camera-toting dork. Again.

I needed a new camera since I lost the “good” one I had during Gay Days in Florida this year. I needed a better one so I could take better pictures of my tattoo artwork. I wanted a camera so I could take pictures and document our life as we know it here. I have needs!

As if there aren’t enough options available, I wasn’t sure if I wanted another “pocket” model or a Digital SLR. Decisions, decisions.

I had a Minolta Maxxum 5000 SLR that couldn’t be pried out of my hands. All through high school and college, I was always clicking away. And I wasn’t even on the yearbook staff!

Then, I put it down when I purchased my first digital camera a decade ago. I loved the instantaneousness off the digital age: I could take and delete pictures at will; No waiting on film development; Seeing what I was getting immediately after taking it.

The combination of both an SLR and digital was very appealing. I really missed the “heft”, feel, and many lens and filter options the SLR offered. But, I didn’t want to be “that” person. You know—the “dork” walking around with the huge camera always in his hands. That’s why I was considering another pocket-sized camera. It’s also a lot easier to do other things if you can just throw your camera in your pocket and go.

But after much anguishing and some research (a lot done by Alexander in his quest as well!), I broke down and bought a new DSLR camera.

Maybe I’ll get some better pictures this year at Decadence… in four days.

Until next time...