Last Monday, the Husbear and I rented this little beastie for the week.
Which led to seven days of terraforming. Kind of.
We had the driveway damage from the heavy rains this summer to correct. And attempt to put new barriers in place to help stop that from happening again. Hopefully.
Something about the above picture made me think of this…
You’re welcome.
Here’s a better visual, hopefully, of everything the Husbear worked on this week. It’s the “from space” view.
Our five acres is outlined in red. What you can’t tell is that entire property is on the side of ridge. The property slopes at a fairly good angle from the lower right corner of the image to the upper left corner of the image.
The yellow lines are the trenches that the Husbear dug to channel future runoff. The light blue curves are the berms/dams that will eventually fill behind with rain runoff and become large ponds. (The green dashed lines are valleys that run down the ridge.) The purple areas are sections where land was leveled.
Here’s hoping this corrects the runoff issue we have been having.
Until next time...