How does a human learn to be comfortable with their sexuality?
I don’t mean “sexuality” in the sense of identifying as gay/straight/somewhere in between. Although potentially that might be part of it. Especially where some individuals have had a difficult time coming to terms with where they fall in that spectrum thanks to societal pressure.
The sexuality I am referring to is your sexual being. That energy within you that let’s you be a sexual person. Comfortable in sexual environments. Accepting of sexual actions and situations.
I assume for a lot of people it just comes naturally. I think some humans are inherently in touch with and at one with their sexual energy. (No pun intended in either sentence.)
But not everybody.
I am not a sexual person, but I want to be.
As odd as it sounds, I have a fear of sexual situations. I have sexual hang ups that logically make zero sense, at least when it comes to acting upon it.
I think a lot of that is due to the conflict between my childhood on what was brainwashed into me about what is “correct” versus what as an adult I have discovered to be “correct”. Some probably has to do with my poor self-image, i.e., how I see myself compared to what others see. All things I continue to work on, but after nearly 40 years of being on this planet don’t feel like I’m any closer to figuring out and wonder if I ever will.
So my question is, how did you become comfortable with your sexual being?
Until next time...