Tag Archives: Big Gay Holidays

Gay events, gatherings, and parties.

Back Roads and Banjo Music Tour

The great pilgrimage has begun.

The Husbear and I are on our way to New Orleans for Southern Decadence. Where we spend a week spending money in a city that, 5 years after Katrina, still needs assistance in many places.

We’re taking the long, leisurely drive from where we live in NW Arkansas to the Big Easy, via the scenic route. We should really call it the “Back Roads and Banjo Music Tour”. I will admit: the scenery off the beaten path is nice. But I wouldn’t care to break down anywhere out here.

We drove about 9 hours today, which put us in Alexandria, Louisiana for the night.

Tomorrow, we’ll be getting up and heading down to the Lake Charles area, where some of the Husbear’s family is from, and then we’ll drive across over to NOLA following the coastline as we can.

And I leave you with this picture the Husbear took of me tonight. He was attempting to be sneaky.

Until next time...

It’s almost time for Decadence…

… as if being decadent needed a special occasion!

There are 20 days until Southern Decadence in New Orleans, depending on when you arrive that is.

I usually enjoy my time when I’m there, but this is probably the first time in many, many years I’m actually looking forward to going. I’m not sure why either. I have this thing about crowds that always seems to make me stressed before I go. So far, it hasn’t started this year. I’m not decadently wired for some reason. Alcohol sometimes loosens my shell a little, but not often.

If you’ve never been, you should at least go to NOLA once when it’s all crazy outside of Mardi Gras. Although I’ve been told by natives that Decadence is pretty much just as crazy. And a lot more topless. Men.


We usually stay at the Omni Royal with the Decadent Ducks, but this year the Husbear wanted to stay at a different hotel to “try something new”. We will miss hanging by the pool at the Omni with the regular Ducks, but we will get to at least see them out on the streets.

I’ve taken a bunch of pictures at Decadence over the years that we have been there. You can check them out on flickr if you are so inclined.

Any of my readers going to be in NOLA for Decadence this year?

Until next time...


So, the Husbear and I have turned up in an advertisement for an event we’re not part of. We’ve had two separate sets of friends tell us about it.

This ad is on display at thebearmall.com:

Which is a link to an event called Beachcomber Bear. Where we also show up in a few pictures. The pictures were taken at another event called Tidal Wave (which sadly we won’t be attending for the first time this year). As near as I can tell, the events are not related as far as organizers go.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.

I have no problem with my face being out there, because Big Bertha only knows that I’ve uploaded enough pictures of myself to the Internet. And I’d probably go to the event if it was something I could afford to do, but…

It’s just weird.

Until next time...

Whammy Love

First, the pictures we took during Southern Decadence are viewable in our flickr “Southern Decadence 2009” photo set. I was going to post some of them here, but since they’re all over there already, that’s just as easy. Because I’m lazy.

Now that we’ve returned from New Orleans both the Husbear and I are ill. He has the flu. His symptoms started Monday night—our last night in New Orleans—which made for an interesting 11-hour car ride home the next day. Mine started after we returned home. I have the flu, strep throat, and an ear infection. Triple whammy for me, and I was the “good” one this trip!

Back to lying on the couch I go drifting in and out of consciousness.

Until next time...