Yearly Archives: 2012

Tippity Toe and Hot Water too

A wee bit more progress was made on the ol’ home remodel that’s been forever ongoing. Back when the laundry room portion of the remodel started, plans were made that had to be later changed after a “fun” discovery was made which meant an entire new project.

Part of the bathroom addition consisted of adding an alcove that the hot water heater would be located in, as well as a storage area for cleaning supplies like the vacuum and brooms.

Here’s what the laundry area looked like as of this morning. Kind of. This picture was taken a couple years ago. But it does show how the washer and dryer are stacked, and the water heater located next to them.

Laundry area, before.

We discovered a slight problem after we came up with this configuration. The Husbear couldn’t see or reach into the back of the dryer. At least not without a step stool. I can’t tell you how many times I’d see him up on his tiptoes trying to reach into the back of the dryer. It always gave me a good chuckle.

Anyway, we finally got around to moving the water heater off of the pedestal and into it’s own little nook, and unstacked the washer and dryer. I know, it doesn’t sound like much. And in the big picture of this whole thing, it isn’t. But it is something.

The ol’ washer and dryer, no longer stacked.

Next up I’ll be building a cabinet and hanging rack above the washer and dryer that will hide the piping. Eventually.

Hot and cold water lines attached to the now relocated hot water heater.
The water heater in it’s cozy alcove.
The whole shebang.

As you can see, we still have to finish texturing and painting the laundry room. Then install trim.

But hey, now the Husbear can see into the dryer! 😉

Until next time...

Questions answered… Let’s talk about sex.

I received quite a few questions, both in the comments on the post and some in email form as people didn’t want to sound… cheeky.

I’m okay with cheeky.

I noticed several different categories of questions asked, so I’ll group them as such.

And I guess I’ll start with all the sex-related questions I was asked, since there were so many of them…. 😉

This is the “you’re going to learn more about Erik than you probably want to know” post.

When you were young and before you met HusBear, would you have considered having sex for money?

I would have considered sex for free had I not been scared of sex! These days, I have to pay people to have sex with me! 😉

What is your “I’m about to come” constellation? Husband begins breathing deeply, involuntarily twitching all his muscles, then making hot little noises. How ’bout you?

— Anonymously via email

I don’t know that I have one. I’m anticlimactic like that. Maybe I need to record a video to see.

What are your most sensitive parts, the places that really do it for you?

— Anonymously via email

I don’t really have any that I have found yet. Sadly, I think my wiring is faulty. Actually, I know I’m faulty. Nothing has really ever worked like it’s supposed to.

Does anything tender move you to tears?

— Anonymously via email

Nope. Again, faulty wiring.

What do you like the most, the best, sexually?

— Anonymously via email

I feel like I’m filling out one of those “about me” sections for those social apps. I love kissing, if the other person is a good kisser. I love rubbing bodies on each other. Hairy chest rubbing hairy chest. Hairy legs rubbing hairy legs. Facial hair rubbing facial hair. I love oral sex, both giving and getting.

What do you just love about being fucked?

— Anonymously via email

The feeling of a man on me and in me. It’s pretty much that simple.

What do you hate about sex?

— Anonymously via email

That I have sexual hangups. I am way to puritanical, and I know it. I blame my upbringing, and the fact that I just can’t get past certain things for some reason.

When was the very first time a man entered you? Was it good?

— Anonymously via email

I was 23 years old. After years of wondering, I finally got the nerve worked up to meet someone “to see how this all worked”. I was scared as hell. We went to his house. He put his hand on my knee. Started kissing me. Immediately the switch was thrown: I knew exactly who I was and where I was supposed to be. From there, clothes were removed and much exploring was had.

It was time. Parts were aligned. Penetration.

And it was good.

And there are more questions to be answered. Coming soon!

Until next time...

Just ask.

I seriously have nothing going through my brain worth writing about. At least nothing I would consider worthy of writing down. I have a couple posts in draft that I’ve been working on for months but just can’t seem to hit the publish button on them for some reason.

It’s been a while since I did this, so… maybe it’s time for another round of “Ask Erik a question”!

Ask away! And I’ll answer them in a different post soon.

Until next time...