Hooray! The porn is safe! And so is all the music, my “personal backup” DVD collection and my other documents as well.
Before heading to the tattoo shop this morning, I slaved both of my hard drives into the Husbear’s computer. (I was trying to keep myself preoccupied in an attempt to stop thinking about the hangover I had from a night of drinking.) Both disc drives are totally accessible! All my zeros and ones are exactly where they should be, plus or minus a quantum fluctuation here and there.
Tonight I will tackle getting my email back up and running.
I left the 500GB porn drive slaved in to his computer. I’m sure he wouldn’t like to be without his porn until I can get around to building myself a new computer.
Yes… you read that correctly: I have half a Terabyte of porn. One could call it a hobby. Really I’m just attempting to archive all the great Internet porn before it gets deleted by the Religious not-Right.
Maybe I’ll soon build that home media server to back up all my bits to. And then I can stream porn all around the house!
And in honor of the drives being good, I’ll leave you with this picture…
Until next time...